And most, naturally, set out to perfect the shape and form of their avatar. No one wants to wander round permanently looking like an unmoulded piece of plastecine especially when for a relatively small amount of money one can attain 'virtual perfection' which would take a lot more time and effort in the first world.
Many like to change their face and body frequently. Personally I prefer to remain, for the most part, easily identifiable and immediately distinguishable....
I formed an idea for a 'look' early on. I didn't want to be a mobile block of muscle as some guys are but I wanted to shake off the surplus pounds my 'creator' in the first world possessess.... I wanted a young body... but wanted to add some appearance of maturity...
And most of all - I wanted a 'colour' one that would mark my presence and identify me immediately...
The look I came up with has stuck with me virtually unchanged since my early days in SL.

Early 'Me'. 1 month after 'SL birth'
July 2007.
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